Thursday, September 27, 2012

Guy on a bike

Dear guy on a bike,
You are an ass.  You don't know me.  You know nothing about who I am or what I stand for.  You dont know that I used to be a lifeguard, a highschool athlete, or that I could leg press 1500 pounds at 17 years old.  You dont know that a mere ten years ago I could have ridden circles around you on your rinky dink 20 year old walmart bike.  You also dont know that the day you decided to open your mouth I was within 2 weeks of having gastric bypass surgery and I was scared.
"Hey fatty!  You need a bike, but bad!"
How original.  Truely.  Gosh, if only I had met you a few years ago...I may have been inspired to drop my 200 extra pounds by getting a bike.  Wait....I HAVE a bike. I have a very expensive Trek mountian bike.  So I guess I dont really NEED a bike.  Maybe I need something else.  Let me think.  I KNOW!  I need for people like you to grow up.  You were clearly over the age of 50, which is old enough to know better than to yell nasty things at young women.  I was minding my own business pumping gas.  I didnt ask for your opinion, or you hurtful words.
You are slime. You are lower than slime. 
Do you know what I did after you yelled at me, shamed me, embarrassed me?  I went home and I ate. Yep...that is what you inspired.  But I DIDNT cry, because you are not worth my tears.
You did not inspire me to lose weight, or to go on a bike ride.  You did not shame me into fixing myself. What you did was to make yourself look like an ignorant ass. 
I know you were shocked in the way I responded to your comment, I could see that you expected me to say nothing.  I guess I was supposed to hold my head down in shame and beat myself up a bit.
The fact is that in order for me to get healthy I had to stop beating myself up.  So maybe next time you yell something out at a stranger you should be prepared for the fact that it may be you that ends up getting beat up. 
That is all.

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